2020 BIPOC Gathering: Meditation with Sound, Earth Energy, and Luscious Movement
Please note that all past information about this event is still available to view below and may be outdated.
6:00-7:30pm in-person at Powderhorn or on Facebook Live
and continuing 8:30-9:30pm on Zoom
Attend in person or online
Presented by Don't You Feel It Too? and Clouds in Water Zen Center
with Zenzele Isoke
and co-hosts Marcus Young, Carol Iwata, and others
This gathering for BIPOC only will support your rest, recovery, and connection. It will help you down from a long week and ease you into the night. Inspired by the works of Pleasure Activist adrienne maree brown, and UK based yogic healer and writer Caroline Shola Arewa, our experience will integrate deep, responsive listening, guided sitting meditation, soul vocalization exercises, and body-positive luscious movement. Together, sound, movement, and pleasure are important resources for embodied mindfulness grounded in Afrofeminist and people of color spiritual methodologies.
There are two options to attend: (1) online via Facebook Live and Zoom, (2) or a combination in person at Powderhorn Park and online.
Zenzele Isoke is a writer, ethnographer, teacher, and poet. She gathers the stories and life histories of activism and arts-centered social change by African-descended women across class, culture and geographic boundaries. She practices and teaches meditation to cultivate joy, resilience, and peaceful interconnectedness between all people who live, work, survive and die together on this complex planet called home.
This is a BIPOC-only event.
6:00-7:30pm: introductions, short sitting meditation, luscious movement, and Don't You Feel It Too? movement meditation (DYFIT)
7:30-8:30: transit and dinner break
8:30-9:30: dharma talk, chanting, closing circle
Links to attend will be sent to you via email.
wear comfy clothes
to participate in DYFIT, have your beloved music (on a portable device) and earbuds
if coming to Powderhorn park, BRING A MASK; bring a yoga mat, meditation cushion, or towel to sit on
have plenty of water available, sunscreen as needed, and anything to stay safe and comfortable outside
for the second session, have a bell, flute, rattle, or other sound-making object
If you're brand new to the DYFIT practice, please learn about us at DYFIT.org.
This Gathering is offered free of charge and produced by Don't You Feel It Too? and Clouds in Water Zen Center. Please consider making a donation to support continuing these events. Donate at Clouds in Water's website, identifying your donation as "For BIPOC Gatherings" in the comments section: https://bit.ly/3gZM066. This Gathering is part of Afro-Feminist Sound, Touch, and Speculation IAS Collaborative with Zenzele Isoke, Sayge Carrol and Ego Ahaiwe.